Sea Level Rise Simulation – Explore the six links along the left margin—sea level rise, local scenarios, mapping confidence, marsh migration, vulnerability, and high tide flooding—to view visualizations under each category. Now, thanks to google’s mapping api and the ingenuity of one alex tingle, we have flood maps, where you can view any part of the world and raise the sea level in 1 meter increments, up to 14 meters. 1) business as usual, 2) march 2009 country proposals, 3) flatten co2 emissions by 2025, 4) 29% below 2009 levels by 2040, 5) 80% reduction of global fossil fuel plus a 90%. The simulation captures the evolution of sea level rise over the entire planet, taking into account eustatic sea level, sea level rise from perturbations to the gravity field, and sea level rise from local elastic rebound of the earth's crust.

Sea Level Rise Simulation

How Will Sea Level Rising Affect Your Hometown? | - Past | Present | Future
How Will Sea Level Rising Affect Your Hometown? | – Past | Present | Future from

To simulate water level rise, the resulting inundation footprint, and relative depth. Enter an address or city name, or zoom in to a location of interest along the coast.

Sea Level Rise Simulation Sea Level Change Portal – Coastline Retreat From Sea Level Rise Simulation | Mynasadata

  • The red areas represent the highest sea levels while the blue areas represent the lowest sea levels.
  • This simulation explores the impact of collapsing polar ice sheets (greenland and antarctica) and their impact on global mean sea level rise, along with shrinkage in livable area around the world.
  • Kingdom of saudi arabia is one of the most vulnerable country with large coastal in the region.
  • Flooding and erosion threaten homes.
  • If warming is limited to 1.5 degrees, sea level rise would affect land inhabited by 510 million people today.

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